Easter tradition in Slovakia
Easter is a tradition that is celebrated all over the world. Easter (also called Pasch derived through Latin) celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the end of Passion of Christ. People celebrate Easter according to their beliefs and their religious denominations.
Every country has their own traditions. Countries like Ireland, Poland, Latvia, Italy, Croatia and the USA, Easter eggs are the tradition for this time. In Germany, they hang the eggs on trees and in Latvia they use flowers and seeds to decorate the eggs.

The Tradition
Have you ever heard about the crazy Easter customs in Slovakia?
In Slovakia we celebrate Easter for 5 days – from Thursday until Monday. Before we starts the actual Easter habits everyone decorate their own house with a painted blown eggs - kraslice, bake pastries, cookies and do expensive grocery shopping. Symbols of Easter in Slovakia are lamb, small bunnies and little yellow chicks. Kids get used to painting their own eggs.

Oblievačka „Water and spanking.“
Young guys shall visit every house in the village where they have single girls, they sprinkle them with water and spank them with whips made of willow branches korbáč.
In some villages young men, sometimes dressed in traditional folk costumes, who come with rattles and braided whips decorated with colourful ribbons. They take females out of the houses and douse them with buckets filled with cold water. The girls can even end up in a stream, if they live close to one. During this tradition men may sing songs and play the accordion. The reason of why boys are so “cruelly” with girls is that they used to say that every lady needs to get splashed in order to stay healthy and beautiful for the whole next year. In the end guys get rewarded for this action they receive painted eggs, sweets, money and are invited to diner with the girl’s family.

I have to admit I am not a Slovak I am Brazilian but I have been leaving for 7 years in Slovakia. I came to Slovakia when I was only 12. It was totally strange country for me because I did not speak their language and I did not know anyone here. It was so hard to get used to their tradition. My first Easter here was really crazy. I did not understand why boys visit girls and pouring water over them. I really did not like it. Of course I gave them a chance to show me every beautiful and interesting tradition. And now it is normal for me and sometimes I have fun their Easter. Every country in the word has something special nowhere are the same habits. I think we should respect, try to understand and know the tradition in other countries.