Being a student is all about studies, school life requires hard work and discipline but it can also be fun. I have the same routine as every day instead of Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. I usually get up at 6:30 am in the morning, but on Tuesday I get up at 5:45 am in the morning, because I have zeroth lesson, which is P. E. After getting up from the bed, which is successful after 5-10 minutes, I brush my teeth with a brush and do my hair. Lesson beings at 7:45 am in the morning, since I live far from school, I take a bus to school with my friend. Mostly I’m sitting at the back of the bus, on my way to school I’m trying to listen to music and sleep because I’m tired in the morning.
The lessons begin with ring belling at 7:45 am in the morning, and we’re getting ready for the lesson. Throughout the day, its mad rush from one class to another, we have breaks for 5-10 minutes and we have lunchtime break at 1pm in the afternoon which takes 30 min. The lessons end at 2:25 am.
I love it when it comes to weekend because I can relax, do whatever I want to. Hang out with my friend and play computer games which satisfy me, because I think we deserve some pause from the school even if it is 2 days off. And of course we love when it comes to represent our school and we just do some sport and after that we can go home and have a free day.